1. BulletA 5 credit course for sign language interpreters, Deaf people and front-line legal professionals in 5 countries and the USA;

  2. BulletTool Kits and Resources

  3. BulletOutreach seminars and awareness sessions for the Deaf community and legal profession;

  4. BulletMasterclasses for sign language interpreters

  5. BulletProject information leaflets.  Download Leaflets here >> 

  6. BulletTraining posters with practical legal/sign language/Deaf culture & communication tips;

  1. BulletResults of the Research Survey >> Download here

  2. BulletExecutive Summary in   ISL     VGT     DSGS     BSL     INTERNATIONAL

  3. Bullet>> TIPS POSTER   >> COMMUNICATION GUIDE for Police in the UK

  4. BulletTIPS POSTER for An Garda Síochána

  5. BulletTIPS POSTER     COMMUNICATION GUIDE -  for Police in Flanders

  6. BulletTIPS POSTER     COMMUNICATION GUIDE -  for Police in Switzerland

  7. BulletOnline Course Pages >> CLICK HERE